Spring Potpourri – Quick & Easy

Barefoot Herbs spring pot pourriDoes the thought of Potpourri conjure up bowls of dusty gold-coloured mini fir-cones, blue dried bark and an assortment of crumbling leaves in a bowl?  I never understood why the bark was dyed blue or sometimes bright purple.  When it was new it had the aroma of a commercial bathroom spray and even that faded after a week or so.  Who makes this stuff??

Potpourri made with real plants is totally different.  Dried herbs are not over-powering, and the subtle smells can lift the energy in a room.  Newly made potpourri looks pretty as the flowers still have their colour, so make the most of it and keep it in a beautiful glass bowl.

This recipe is a cheat one as it is virtually instant.  Traditional methods involve fixatives and standing time to cure the scents, and although they are amazing and last for years, it takes time which I always seem to be short of!  If you have lots of herbs and flowers in your garden make a fresh batch of potpourri every month or so.

Spring Potpourri is a delicious combination of lemon verbena, angelica leaf, calendula petals, rose petals and lavender.  It freshens the air and is just the thing to kiss winter good-bye.

Spring Potpourri - Instant Method

Potpourri should be lovely blends of aromatic herbs that give subtle, natural scents to our homes. Unfortunately, they have been given a bad reputation with the commercially made blue, purple and red blends that smell like toilet cleaners! Make your own and see the difference. When the smell has faded, throw the potpourri on the compost heap and make a new one.
Traditional potpourris are either classed as moist or dry. Moist potpourris are time consuming to make, although the fragrance is wonderful, and if made properly, it will last for several years. Dry potpourris include a fixative which absorbs the scents, making them last longer. They are sealed and kept in a cool place for 6 weeks before opening and exposing them to air. Orris root is the most common fixative and is available at chemists or health shops.
As I have a constant supply of herbs throughout the year, I make this 'instant' recipe and I mix a new batch every month or so. This is a Spring recipe to freshen the air after being closed up during winter. All of the herbs are dried. If you pick them on a sunny day and lay them out on baskets or newspaper, they will be dry within a week.


  • 2 cups Lemon verbena leaves
  • 2 cups Rose petals
  • 1 cup Lavender flowers
  • 1 cup Calendula petals
  • 1 cup Angelica leaf
  • Essential oils - optional


  • Gently combine the herbs
  • Place in a pretty jar or bowl
  • Shake the mix up every few days to keep the fragrance alive


To keep the fragrance for longer, add 4 Tablespoons of dried orris root to the mix, blending carefully so you do not break the herbs.  Place in a jar and seal tightly.  Keep the jar in a dark, cool place for 6 weeks to cure.  Open and display in open bowls or glasses containers.  The scent should last 6 - 12 months
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