Scabiosa Vitality Wine

That pretty purple flower in your garden has much more going for it than just looking lovely.  Scabiosa columbaria, or Pin Cushion flower, is a great herb for many ailments, including lethargy.  This wine combines the flowers with cloves and cinnamon for a pick-me-up drink that goes down so well.  Obviously only for adults.  You could make a Scabiosa tea for children using 2 flowers to one cup of boiling water.

Scabiosa Vitality Wine

The scabiosa plant is a useful medicinal herb, treating a variety of ailments. This wine is excellent for increasing vitality when one is feeling lethargic or recovering from an illness. Take one glass a day. Even though it is a medicine, it is still an alcoholic drink, so do not over-indulge, drive or give it to children.
Prep Time10 minutes
Standing time7 days
Course: medicinal
Keyword: Herbal remedies, herbs for health


  • 1 bottle Red wine
  • 12 flowers Scabiosa columbaria
  • 1 tsp Whole cloves
  • 1 stick Cinnamon
  • 2 Tbsp Honey


  • Combine all ingredients in a glass jar or bottle and shake well
  • Leave in a cool, dark place for one week, shaking daily
  • Strain into a clean bottle, label and store in a cool place
  • Take 1/2 to 1 glass per day


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