Mullein Cold Infused Oil

Mullein oil is used for earache, inflamed eyelids, eczema, skin rashes and wounds, and hemorrhoids.

mullein oil Barefoot HerbsThe flowers can be collected over 3 or 4 days as they open

Mullein flowers (Verbascum thapsus)

Olive oil

Fill a glass jar with fresh, mullein flowers and top up with olive oil.

Shake well to remove any air bubbles.

Place the jar in a warm spot, out of direct sunlight

Leave for 21 days, shaking daily

Strain the oil and discard the flowers

Pour into a dark glass bottle and label.


Earache – 1-2 drops into the ear, twice a day.

Skin wounds, eczema, hemorrhoids –  Apply as needed.

Inflamed eyelids – gently apply a small amount of oil to the eyelids.  Do not rub

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