This is such a lovely hand-cream and, as it is so easy to make. Lavender softens the skin and is antiseptic, so great if you are a gardener or use your hands a lot. Those annoying little cuts will heal quickly. Prepare several pots and keep them around the house to use all day. At night, slather it on your feet to soften them and help you sleep.
Just a note, lavender creams are naturally greyish-green. Add some purple food colouring to make it pretty
1 cup lavender flowers and leaves (English Lavender)
1 cup good quality aqueous cream
1 Tbsp Avocado or sweet almond oil
1 Tbsp Wheat germ oil or Honey
Or 1tsp Benzoic acid (preservatives)
Optional: Lavender food colouring
Put the lavender and the aqueous cream in a double boiler over a low heat. When the aqueous cream has melted simmer for 20 minutes.
Strain and add the Avocado oil plus whichever preservative that you are using.
Pour into a glass jar and use as often as you can