Lavender Marinade

Lavender is well know for its medicinal properties, uses in body care and sweet smelling insect repelling properties, but did you know it is also a meat tenderizer?  I don’t eat meat, but have a friend who is a butcher.  Initially he thought I was crazy, but tried it anyway, and was so  happy with the result he now sells it in his shop as his ‘secret recipe’

Lavender marinade recipe Barefoot HerbsFellow vegetarians, you can use it too.  Try it on brinjals and mielies if you are putting them on the braai.  I have also chopped sweet potato, tossed them in the marinade,, left them for about an hour, and then roasted them.  Really delish!

6 English lavender flower stems (English)

2 tsp grated orange peel

2 crushed garlic cloves

2 tsp honey

2 Tbsp olive oil

2 tsp fresh thyme

Mix everything together and marinate meat for at least one hour before cooking.

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