Lavender Bags

lavender bagsIf you have lots of lavender in the garden, dry it and make lavender bags, to hang on your coat-hangers or pop into your clothes and linen shelves.   Lavender is an insect repellent so will keep moths and fish moths out of your cupboards.

You can use any lavender for these bags, even the leaves.  English lavender has the sweetest fragrance, French is stronger and has a touch of rosemary scent too, and Spanish is the least fragrant

Make any shape or colour you like! Who said they have to be purple?

Lavender Bags

Little bags of lavender hanging in your wardrobe not only makes everything smell lovely, but it keeps the moths away too.
Yield: 8 bags


  • 2 cups Dried lavender
  • 16 pieces Fabric. Its a great way to use up off-cuts. 12cm square is ideal
  • 8 pieces Ribbon - 30cm long


  • Trace or draw a heart roughly 12cm at the widest part, cut it out. This will be your pattern
  • Pin the heart to folded material and cut out 2 pieces of each colour. If possible use pinking shears to stop the edges from fraying
  • Stitch two pieces together 2cm in from the edge (wrong sides together), leaving a 3cm gap at the top
  • Using a funnel with a wide opening pour 1/4 cup of lavender into each bag
  • Close up the hole and attach the ribbon

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