Lavender biscuits, scones and cakes always make me think of Victorian ladies having their afternoon tea. There is something refined about them that makes me want to pull out my grandmother’s tea set. Perhaps it’s the delicious aroma when they are baking. What could be better than vanilla and lavender? Whatever the reason, they are definitely worth making. Cut them small though, these are for delicate mouthfuls.!
Lavender Biscuits
These elegant little biscuits smell delicious when they are baking and taste wonderful with a cup of tea. Use English Lavender for the best flavour.
- 25 g Butter softened
- 125 ml castor sugar
- 1 egg
- 1 tsp vanilla essence
- 250 ml cake flour
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp lavender flowers English lavender is best
- Castor sugar for sprinkling
- Cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy.
- Add the egg and vanilla essence.
- Sieve the flour and baking powder into the mixture. Add the flowers and mix until it becomes a soft dough
- Using your hands roll it into a sausage shape, about 5cm in diameter.
- Wrap in clingfilm or wax paper and pop it in the fridge for about 30 minutes
- Preheat the oven to 180 C
- Slice the roll into biscuits of 5mm.
- Sprinkle with castor sugar
- Place on a greased baking tray and cook for 10-15 minutes.