A winter herb used for respiratory disorders, relieving pain and easing flu symptoms.
“A water distilled from the root eases all pains and torments coming from cold and wind”
Nicholas Culpeper,
If you have a shade garden, you will love Angelica as it is one of the herbs that will thrive, as well as looking stunning. It has huge bright green leaves and produces huge greenish-white flowerheads in the second year .It will grow in the sun, but you will have to give it heavy mulch and ensure it is always moist.
Angelica archangelica, is named for the Archangel Michael, as it came into bloom at the same time as his feast day. He is reputed to have appeared in a vision to explain that it had protective powers against all evil. It was held in such high esteem is was call ‘The Root Of The Holy Ghost’, and a piece of root eaten on Midsummer’s night was supposed to cure any ailment.
Traditionally angelica stems were crystalized, giving a bright green colour to breads and puddings made with dried fruit. In Christmas mixes you still get the green bits, but it is unlikely that they are real angelica. Crystalizing is easy, although you do use a lot of sugar, which negates any health benefits.
Although it is mainly used for bronchial disorders and to regulate the menstrual cycle, it is useful for stimulating the liver, aiding digestion, relieving pains associated with arthritis and rheumatism and can help skin irritations. A tea made with the seeds is used for nervous anxiety. The root is used to promote sweating for influenza and as a uterine stimulant.
Leaves and roots are used for medicinal purposes and as infusions, tincture and creams. The root is generally used in tincture form and used in the Autumn of the first year.
Crushed leaves are an excellent way to freshen the air, and if you put them in the car, they relieve car sickness.
Angelica – Angelica archangelica